Do you ever sit there and think about where that burger you just shoved in your came from? When you're eating out you don't really care where something came from, but as long as it taste good, then you'll be content. Recently I was watching this documentary on Netflix called, Food Inc. and it was details about factory farming and what goes on there. One of the first details the film gave was about where putting factory into business came from and it was the McDonald brothers. They got rid of the drive in dining and just hired a bunch of people to do one thing at a time and pay minimum pay. From there everything became a factory item and big companies such Tyson take advantage of it especially with problem like chicken. Companies like Tyson own up to 80% of the food market when it comes to meat. They want to buy things for under market price to sell for an affordable price an people like that. They want things to buy for cheap so the dollar menu is cheaper than anything organic and obesity is seen as personal choice even though the worst things for us our so much cheaper. "Buy from companies that treat animals, workers and the environment with respect." The video will make you cringe like I did because the treatment of animals is awful because they want to make as much money as possible. That leads to treating the farmers with no respect and only paying them $18,000 a year. People need to know what is going on. It took me 20 years to open my eyes and realize what is going on. And I feel ashamed for that. People need to do something because it is right what all these companies are doing in order to make money. You can't engineer food because that defeats the natural purpose of life or the circle of life for animals. It is inhumane to make a chicken grow in half the time by feeding it hormones to make reproduction faster. This video has made me feeling upset and wanting to do something differently. I know I need to change things in my life and be more conscious of what I am eating and where I am getting my food. I most like will steer clear of Tyson products and maybe anyway from meat in general for a while.
Kallie----Your 5 new entries look pretty good. You have some interesting points and topics presented, but you need to develop further. Don't be so brief and rushed. Edit more carefully as well.