Monday, February 6, 2017

Entry #4: Server Life

I have worked for the same company for four and a half years and of those years I have served for more than 3. Nothing gets me more than people not tipping the amount they should be. Tipping is a way that servers make a living and if their not making any money. Like most restaurants show the tip amount at the bottom pf the check, why can't people just look at the bottom and add, its that simple. I get it some servers don't deserve 20%. The server who never checks on you, the one who you can never find or the server who acts like she has a stick shoved where the sun don't shine. I myself can't stand those servers and since I am a server I try not to be any of those servers. But what about the costumers? What about the customer who is needy, the one whose rude for no reason, or my favorite the customer who snaps or yells your name across the restaurant to get your attention? There should be a special service charge for those customers. And if you don't have enough money to tip when you go out, then don't do it, ramen or boxed Kraft Mac N Cheese would suffice. You'll save yourself some money and save me from wasting my time. It might sound selfish to say that, but until you have ran around crazy for a table and waited on them hand and foot to get a 5%-10% you would more than understand that statement. Customers never seem to care or realize how busy a server is. For example: last week I was super busy because the manager called off a server in the bar, so I was the only one serving. The night started slow and then out of no where table after table showed up and I was getting my butt kicked  a little bit. I finally got up to this table of four to take their food order because they said they were ready and the first lady sat there for two minutes saying "ummmm hmmm I don't know I wanted the chicken, but the ribs look so good." LADY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND I AM BUSY AND THIS IS NOT MAKING ANYTHING BETTER! Many servers would agree that working in the restaurant industry shows how selfish and inconsiderate people can be. They're are many servers that are questionable to on why they are even serving or how they got hired in the first place, but if its a server like me who works her butt off and does it with a smile every time, then that's a little different. Lastly, yes minimum wage just went up, and yes servers still need to be tipped. Most servers still barely get paychecks or none at all even with the wage increase, its because their pay relies on tips only. So do all servers a favor by tipping properly, by not being annoying/rude and realize that you're not the only table in the whole restaurants so therefore not all our attention is yours.


  1. I never understood why people would not tip or leave a small tip. I have many friends who are servers and they complain about that all the time. Because of them I always make sure I tip big. I agree, don't go out to eat unless you can afford to tip.

  2. I agree with everything you are saying, tips reflect the kind of work you have done, so it sucks to see some one work hard to please the customer, but then receive little to nothing in return.
