Sunday, February 12, 2017

Entry #5: OMG You're So Pretty

Ever realize how important a comment or like is on a photo? Or how about the amount of likes in a certain amount of time. We live in a society where that is actually a concern for most females. They want feedback from people and they go to extremes to get there. There are certain times to post things to get certain amount of likes. Like don't you dare post a picture in the morning during a week day unless you're expecting a slow feedback from people. I truly believe this is a female thing though. Females especially care about this like they expect all their female friends to like their pictures and if they're really close then they better be commenting on your picture to let you know how hot they look or how cute their outfit is. Another thing is for most females they are monitoring who likes their photos and who comments. It is almost like it makes you feel good to get a certain amount of likes or certain amount of comments. And if you're not getting enough likes and some of your friends haven't liked it then most girls text their friends telling them to "go like my recent picture on Insta." I am guilty of it all, maybe not as much not as I use to be in high school, but I definitely lived for likes or I texted my best friend Delaney to go like my picture. But it's not just Instagram.
It is on all social media, from Twitter to Facebook to Snapchat, etc. Females live for the favorites/ retweets on twitter, they live for the likes/shares on Facebook, or the amount od views they have on Snapchat. Social media is a way to promote your life and the things going on in it. I think this is why I have grown to hate social media. I am all about going on the accounts and scrolling through things, but I don't enjoy it as much. I don't like the pressure it brings to be better than others or the stress of a stupid like. It shouldn't matter what others think especially through social media. How is getting someone's interest through their cell phone helping anyone in the long run. This generations obsession with social media and what everyone thinks of them will be the death of this generation because not everyone is going to live up to famous accounts or celebrities.

Even celebrities like Kylie Jenner live for the likes and social media attention.

1 comment:

  1. Many can relate to Kylie Jenner because like how you said, "She lives for the likes and social media attention". As do some people who aren't as famous as her.
